Terms and Conditions
1. Accommodation/entry to the property known as “mukambi safaris” at kafue national park, is granted subject to and upon acceptance of all terms and conditions and house rules.
2. All guests must comply with any notice or warning issued verbally or posted in any area of the lodge. Failure to comply may result in immediate eviction without refund. serious breaches will be dealt with by police.
3. These terms are to be used in conjunction with and not in place of any relevant laws relating to fair trading.
4. Guest’s & right of entry – management has full discretion to decide who to accommodate/give right of entry. Management reserves right to refuse entry. Presentation of a valid passport is pre-requisite to gain accommodation.
Management and staff may decide from time-to-time to accommodate other persons on the basis of lesser identification. However such accommodation is only granted in exceptional circumstances as judged on a case-by-case basis. Management reserves full discretion to veto any decision of any staff member and rescind an offer for accommodation upon any review of any aspect of guest’s stay.
5. Payment – accommodation must be paid strictly in advance. accommodation can only be guaranteed for the number of days already paid in advance. During peak season and other busy times it is essential that you plan for and pay for your booking well in advance.
Confirmation of a reservation is not binding unless in writing (eg by email). fully paid guests and new bookings will get preference over an existing guest who has not paid in advance. If you did not pay your accommodation charges by due date and management can not locate you, your belongings will be removed from your room.
6. Cost – cost of accommodation may vary. standard rates posted on the web-site apply. However staff and management may vary prices at any time without notice or in consequence of special agreements / deals struck with any person. Bookings with large groups, non-international travellers, non-passport holders, interstate travellers or any other individual may attract a surcharge fee. The accommodation rate may vary from the advertised standard and will be binding from the time of making a booking with staff or management at the time of booking.
7. Discounts – may be offered by staff or management for any reason deemed fit at that time of booking. Discounts are strictly confidential and can only be re-negotiated with management directly or with the same staff member who originally made the booking. Guests must not disclose their discount to any other guest. Any person who breaches confidentiality shall forfeit their discount and all breaching parties shall revert to paying the standard rate.
8. Cancellations – all cancelations to the bookings and no show charges are governed by cancelation policy (also available on www.mukambi.com).
9. Bookings/deposits – all bookings to mukambi safaris are governed by booking conditions adhere (also available on www.mukambi.com).
10. Payment by credit card over the counter at mukambi safaris front office will attract 3% surcharge. Surchage is not applied to payment by credit card at the time of booking an accommodation via internet, phone, email or in person.
11. Drugs – illegal drugs are banned. possession or usage of drugs can lead to police reporting and prosecution.
12. Alcohol– guests are not permitted to bring alcohol into the lodge unless permission is first sought from staff. Guests must act in a responsible and considerate manner at all times. Drunken behaviour will result in immediate eviction.
13. Loss – management takes no responsibility whatsoever for any loss suffered by any guest / visitor / invitee / licencee. Deposit boxes are available at the office free of charge for your convenience. We urge you not to leave valuables in rooms. The lodge will not be responsible for any theft. Keep money and other valuables on your person at all times.
14. Damage – in the event any invitee or licencee on the premises (any guest or their visitor (s)) cause damage to any area, fixture, fitting or furniture in the lodge the cost of repair or replacement will be met by that person.